Real-Time Driver Model

Collaboration diagram for Real-Time Driver Model:

Detailed Description

The Real-Time Driver Model (RTDM) provides a unified interface to both users and developers of real-time device drivers. Specifically, it addresses the constraints of mixed RT/non-RT systems like Xenomai. RTDM conforms to POSIX semantics (IEEE Std 1003.1) where available and applicable.

API Revision: 6


 User API
 Driver Development API
 Device Profiles

API Versioning

#define RTDM_API_VER   6
 Common user and driver API version.
 Minimum API revision compatible with the current release.


Special timeout values

 Block forever.
#define RTDM_TIMEOUT_NONE   (-1)
 Any negative timeout means non-blocking.


typedef uint64_t nanosecs_abs_t
 RTDM type for representing absolute dates.
typedef int64_t nanosecs_rel_t
 RTDM type for representing relative intervals.

Define Documentation


Block forever.

#define RTDM_TIMEOUT_NONE   (-1)

Any negative timeout means non-blocking.

Typedef Documentation

typedef uint64_t nanosecs_abs_t

RTDM type for representing absolute dates.

Its base type is a 64 bit unsigned integer. The unit is 1 nanosecond.


typedef int64_t nanosecs_rel_t

RTDM type for representing relative intervals.

Its base type is a 64 bit signed integer. The unit is 1 nanosecond. Relative intervals can also encode the special timeouts "infinite" and "non-blocking", see RTDM_TIMEOUT_xxx.

rtcanrecv.c, and rtcansend.c.

Generated on Mon Mar 24 18:02:42 2008 for Xenomai API by  doxygen 1.5.3