2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1985 1984 1982 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975

Journals  Conferences  Reports

  1. Leijenhorst, D.C. van and Weide, Th.P. van der, A formal derivation of Heaps' Law. Information Sciences Volume 170, Issues 2-4, 25 February 2005, Pages 263-272

    Word frequencies in text documents can be reasonably described by the Mandelbrot distribution, which has Zipf's Law as a special case. Furthermore, the growth of vocabulary size as a function of the text size (its number of words) has been described in Heaps' Law. It has been shown that these two experimental laws are related.

    In this paper we go a step further, and provide a (formal) derivation of Heaps' Law from the Mandelbrot distribution. We also provide a specification of the validity area for applying Heaps' Law.

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Journals  Conferences  Reports

  1. Bosman, S. and Weide, Th.P. van der, A case for incorporating vague representations in formal information modeling. Conferentie Informatiewetenschap 2003, 2003

    This paper gives a fundamental overview of the information modeling process in the context of requirements engineering. From this we propose an extension to conventional modeling techniques by introducing so-called vague concepts.

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  2. Vrieze, P.T. de and Bommel, P. van and Klok, J. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Towards a Two-Dimensional Framework for User Models. Proceedings of the MAWIS03 workshop attached to the OOIS03 conference, September, 2003

    The focus of this paper is user modeling in the context of personalization of information systems. Such a personalization is essential to give users the feeling that the system is easlily accessible. The way this ada[tive personalization works is very dependant on the adaptation model that is chosen. We introduce a generic two-dimensional classification frame work for user modeling systems. This enables us to clarify existing as well as new applications in the area of user modeling. In order to illustrate our framework we evaluate push and pull based user modeling.

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Journals  Conferences  Reports

  1. Bosman, S. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Information modelling by formalizing vague representations. Technical report: NIII-R0319, September, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2003

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  2. Grootjen, F.A. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Semantic Transformations. Technical report: NIII-R0303, February, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2003

    In this paper we present Information Retrieval as a semantics transformation problem. We describe a general theory to derive concepts, and discuss 2 special cases: the vector model and the set model. The vector model leads to Singular Value Decomposition, while the set model leads to Formal Concept Analysis. We discuss the relation between the resulting systems of concepts.

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  3. Grootjen, F.A. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Information Retrieval as a Semantics Transformation. Technical report: NIII-R0303, Computing Science Institute, University of Nijmegen, 2003

    In this paper we present Information Retrieval as a semantics transformation problem. We describe a general theory to derive concepts, and discuss 2 special cases: the vector model and the set model. The vector model leads to Singular Value Decomposition, while the set model leads to Formal Concept Analysis. We discuss the relation between the resulting systems of concepts.

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