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Journals  Chapters  Conferences  Reports

  1. Weide, Th.P. van der and Zlotnikova, I.Ya., Information Science curriculum design based on community outreach projects. Proceedings of Second Computer Science Education Research Conference, CSERC 2012, Poland, 2012, 69-73

    This paper creates an approach for an Information Science curriculum design based on Community Outreach Projects (COPs). An ICT-based COP in Radboud University Nijmegen (RUN), the Netherlands, is used as a part of the competence development of the students, especially prospective computer engineers. The geographic scope of the study includes RUN and several developing countries. The authors propose a model for a successful Community Outreach Project. The proposed model serves the main goal, while running educational ICT-based COPs, to introduce ICT effectively in a relatively short period of time to people who have never used computers before. The proposed model of a successful COP combines features of Community Based Service Learning, the Three Level Approach, the Competency Development Model, and Community Informatics. The authors also reflected on the sustainability of COPs and identified how the students can contribute to different kinds of sustainability. Students’ activities in COPs have been related to their learning outcomes of ACM model curricula for computing specialties. The proposed model has been used for designing the curriculum of the COP training course in RUN, as well as developing the overall strategy of running ICT-based COPs in developing countries. Potential users of the results of this research include COP coordinators in institutions of higher learning, practitioners involved in COPs, and policymakers in charge of developing outreach strategies for local communities in developing countries.

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  2. Bagarukayo, E. and Weide, Th.P. van der and Meijden, H.A.T. van der, An Approach to Learning by Construction. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT, vol 8, Issue 3, December 2012, pp 43-61

    We show how a Digital Learning Environment (DLE) can play a central role in community development. We develop and validate an approach for introduction of an ICT education program for HOCS improvement, building capacity and infrastructure in a Least Developing Country (LDC) using the DLE methodology. We use measures such as actual HOCS improvement instrument, learner grades, pre and post-tests to measure HOCS improvement. We assess the impact of technology on the learning process at the participating universities to fill the knowledge gap identified by developers, instructors, researchers and students. We describe the proposed “Learning by construction” approach, as a mechanism for the effective integration of ICT in the educational process following Bloom's Taxonomy as a general framework for learning using the DLE. We discuss how education itself also plays a role in the introduction of DLE. This research started with some experiments on the impact of multimedia on HOCS improvement in LDCs, which led to the introduction of an overall learning system which has not yet been extensively validated by data since there is no learning environment working accordingly. We discuss the validity of this approach and validate its soundness by describing an introduction plan.

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  3. Bagarukayo, E. and Weide, Th.P. van der and Mbarika, V. and Kia, M., The Impact of Multimedia on the Perceived Higher Order Cognitive Skills Improvement. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT (IJEDICT), Vol 8, Issue 2, August 2012

    The study aims at determining the impact of multimedia on Perceived Higher Order Cognitive Skills (HOCS) improvement. Perceived HOCS improvement is the attainment of HOCS based on the students' perceptions. The research experiment undertaken using a case study was conducted on 223 students split into two groups who used multimedia and text book instructional methods respectively, to determine the impact of exposure to technology on HOCS improvement of such skills as: decision-making, problem-solving, critical thinking, analysis, synthesis, interpretation. The data collected was analyzed using the independent sample t-test to determine the relationship between HOCS improvement and the instruction method. The findings from the study suggest that when multimedia materials are used for instruction, students HOCS do not improve as compared to the traditional text book approach. The study therefore concludes that the use of multimedia materials did not improve the students' attitudes, learning interest, learned from others, self reported learning, and HOCS of decision making, problem solving, critical thinking, and other skills.

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  4. Ejiofor, C. and Osuagwu, O.E. and Nwachukwu, E.O. and Weide, Th.P. van der, A Novel Model of Autonomous Intelligent Agent Topic Tracking System for the World Wide Web. West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research, Febr 2012, Vol 2, No 1, 108-118

    Autonomous agents are software systems situated within and a part of an environment that senses stimuli in that environment, acts on it, over time, in pursuit of its own agenda so as to effect what it senses in the future. Autonomous agents take action without user intervention and operate concurrently, either while the user is idle or taking other actions. The internet encompasses a large number of documents to which search engines try to provide access. Even for many narrow topics and potential information needs, there are often many web pages online. The user of a web search engine would prefer the best pages to be returned. The use of autonomous intelligent agent topic tracker will help to make decision on behalf of the user, by narrowing the search domain and decreasing the human computer interaction, phenomenally. Previous research works on information retrieval system usually consists of long list of results containing documents with low relevance to the user query. Thus, the goal of this paper is to build an Intelligent Agent Topic Tracking System, that employs document concepts to track identical document related to the researcher's needs within a publication topic development. The system solely refines the user query as well as retrieving the result from a search engine with the help of Google API and refines the noisy result produced using Document-document Similarity model and the Document Component model to find similar topic documents in the document pool indexed by the search engines. In addition, the Web Structure Analysis model will use the hub and authority algorithm to evaluate the importance of web pages or to determine their relatedness to a particular topic. Finally, clustering is used to automatically group document pool into similar topics.

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Journals  Chapters  Conferences  Reports

  1. Pande, R. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Globalization, Technology Diffusion, and Gender Disparity: Social Impacts of ICTs. IGI, Feb. 2012, ISBN:978-1-4666-0020-1

    Rapid changes in the Global economy consequential to Globalization have lead to the emerge of a wide array of discourses conveying different meanings and in their wake displacing certain meta narratives that used to be the dominant paradigm which also served as a certain reference point. The rise of new technologies, interaction of women in different capacitates from different parts of the world have all contributed to making of these new narratives that seek to understand these changes from different standpoints concerned with the various facts of technology and more precisely information and communication technologies like cyber crime, call centre work, distance learning , polity and culture.

    ICT provided the connecting thread to link all these emergent areas that have become a definitr part of the lives of the most people in the world. The effects of these have been the subject of many scholarly works. However, the rapid pace at which change occurs necessitated us to examine certain isues that have only risen now and also look afresh at the new narratives particularly the question of work that has occupied centre stage amongst many discourses. Another issue that has been revisted a number of times owning to its centrality is the question of digital divide which we attempted to look afresh incorporating narratives from the south. A grey area , that is not on the agendas , cybercrimes but which still influences the lives ofg many people particularly women is also incorporated in this volume.

    Any volume on ICT will be incomplete without a survey of the fundamental issues that serves as an introductory anchor to the whole process of ICT and its interaction with gender under the rubric of globalization. The fundamental issues have not disappeared or being solved though certain advances have been made. It is thus imperative for us to weigh both these opinions and at the same offer nuisance analysis in contextual settings. This is an exercise which has been attempted in this volume. The range of articles is also diverse spanning different continents and thereby mapping the simultaneous spread of technology in different settings. It has to be acknowledged that the cultural mediation of technology that was underplayed during the initial euphoria of globalization is a theme that has to be seriously contended with and the papers here focus on the cultural rootedness of the penetration of technology in places as diverse as Africa, Europe, India and the Philippines.

    A critique that has emerged against such studies is the primacy given to consumption by elaborate use of language and word play that seeks to negate the material basis of production. Taking this criticism seriously, this volume focuses on the material basis of development without excessive use of jargons and at the same time giving a deal of empirical data that seeks to situated the developments on terra firm. We hope that this volume will serve as a new addition to the existing works on ICT and Globalisation

    [ see here ]

  2. Weide, Th.P. van der, A digital (r)evolution to the Information Age.

    The rapid technological changes caused by Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have a strong impact on societies world-wide. This will lead to changes in the traditional role patterns. We discuss the changing information and communication technology and its background. Then we go into detail on the impact of the changing technology. Finally we discuss the political aspects required for a balanced introduction and development.

  3. By Paul B. Muyinda, P.B. and Lubega, J.T. and Lynch, K. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Study Mode Does Not Matter: MLearning Can Support Internal and Distance Learners. Distance Education, Chapter 10

    The goal of this paper is to establish the association between study mode with different learning contexts including: the type of the learner's location (urban, semi-urban or rural), noise levels of the learner's usual learning environment and availability of mobile and Internet connectivity and power supply with a view of determining their significance on uptake of mLearning by the two categories of learners in Uganda.

    [ pdf ]

Journals  Chapters  Conferences  Reports

  1. Bagarukayo, E. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Interaction with a Digital Learning Environment of a University. 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU2012), April, Porto, Portugal, 259-264

  2. Li, R. and Weide, Th.P. van der, Topical Language Model for Snippet Retrieval. 10th international conference on Initiative for the evaluation of XML retrieval: comparative evaluation of focused retrieval (INEX'11), 2012

    In this paper we describe our participation in the INEX 2011 snippet retrieval track. Based on the reference run of ranked documents, we compute topical language models and then derive snippets that will be used for relevance judgment of their corresponding documents. Our snippets are represented as a bag of words or a cluster of (semi) sentences. Our findings are: 1) the relevance of word snippet is difficult to judge; 2) topical language model and stopword removal do improve recall marginally; 3) visual representation of topical words can help understanding the relevance of topical aspects.

Journals  Chapters  Conferences  Reports

  1. Tulinayo, F. and Weide, Th.P. van der and Bommel, P. van, Using the Decomposition Mechanism to Improve System Dynamics Conceptualization.

    In this paper, we particularly use Object-Role Modeling (ORM) to support System Dynamics (SD). In so doing, we focus on elementary cases by describing the behavior of single objects. Understanding the object behaviors at a conceptual level provides an effective means to better conceptualize SD model. To clarify our descriptions, we use examples showing how states are derived from properties of an object. We also extend ORM to show how various levels of abstraction can be seen using the decomposition mechanism. For applicability, we use a case to relate our views with an actual scenario. We also discuss the influencing transitions and present Stock and Flow simulations.

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